I have reached the turning point! My bump that I have enjoyed seeing grow and change is a bulbous balloon and I am now struggling with everyday tasks. Standing up for more than ten minutes causes my hips to give way and the pain in my pelvis and lower back is unbearable. I don't remember being so immobile with Jess (my first child) but I suppose I was younger and fitter 13 years ago! I don't think I have craved exercise before but I long to be able to go for a walk, run upstairs and even stand at the sink and wash up without needing to rest half way through the dishes! It has made me determined that once our little baby is born, I will get fit and healthy again. Lands End to John O'Groats here I come! ( I have always wanted to walk this!!)
September has always been a time for change and new adventures. Even as a child the excitement of returning to school after the long summer break was thrilling and something to look forward to. I can still remember how it felt to have new shoes, a new bag and pencil case and be returning to a new classroom and teacher. The joy of my new 'material possessions' back then is something I crave now. I have replaced the pencil tin with my pair of size 12 jeans which I long to be able to get back into. I look forward to walking down the road with my new pushchair and long to get the moses basket out of the box and make the up the bed for our little bundle.
And yet these thoughts make me feel guilty. I feel slightly shallow that I am so looking forward to using these new material things. They seem so irrelevant compared to the precious and beautiful new life that will shortly join us. I cannot quantify how much this little baby will mean to me (and us as a family) and we long to meet him.
But I suppose it is also a reflection of todays society and maybe me as an individual, that has succombed to the allure and image of material possessions?